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We're here to glorify God

by making disciples of Jesus

through the power of the Holy Spirit.

What We Believe

One God

Eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These are co-eternal, of equal dignity and power, present at the creation of the world, and sovereign over all things that have been made.

Jesus Christ

His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, death, burial, bodily resurrection, and His personal future return in power and glory.

Holy Spirit

The third person of the Trinity who indwells true believers and enables them to live a Godly life.

The Bible

The inspired and inerrant Word of God. It is the complete revelation of God’s will for salvation and the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

The Church

The body and bride of Christ made up of all those who have accepted the salvation provided by Jesus Christ.


Only by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Heaven & Hell

The reward for believers is eternity with Jesus Christ in Heaven. Those who reject God’s salvation in this life will suffer the consequences in an eternal Hell.

Staff & Leaders

Phil 2024.heic

Phil Eastman

 Lead Pastor 

Brad 2024.heic

Brad Cushman

 Students Coordinator 

Dave R 2024.heic

David Riker


Steve 2024.heic

Steve VanBuren

 Worship Director 

Cathi 2024.heic

Cathi Warren

 Welcome Leader 

James 2024.heic

James Hammond

 Worship Intern 

Tonna 2024.heic

Tonna Hartsock

 Kids/Admin Director 

Dustin 2024.heic

Dustin Gans

 AV Leader 

Elders & Deacons

Dave G 2024.heic

Dave Griewe

 Elder Chair/Ministry Partner 

Richard 2024.heic

Richard Johnson

 Elder/Deacon Chair 

Susan 2024.heic

Susan Johnson


Phil 2024.heic

Phil Eastman

 Elder/Lead Pastor 

Dan 2024.heic

Dan Bingaman


Way 2024.heic

Way Fine


Dustin 2024.heic

Dustin Gans

 Deacon/AV Leader 

Our church is currently identifying potential deacons for our Elders to consider and appoint. Please contact our Elders according to 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-7.


You can also watch our recent 2-part sermon series about deacons below.

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